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- itrenzheng上所有的ISEB认证
- 以下是由ISEB认证的资深认证讲师整理的 ISEB 认证学习资料,如有其他 ISEB认证需要,请联系我们。
- Data Centre Management
- ISEB Certification
- 最新的ISEB认证考试
- ITILF2011 - The ITIL Foundation - 2011
- FSDEV - BCS Foundation Certificate in Systems Development
- BH0-006 - ITIL V3 Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
- EUCOC - Intermediate Certificate in EU Code of Conduct for Data centres
- BH0-011 - BCS Intermediate certificate in EU Code of Conduct for Data
- FCGIT - Foundation Certificate in Green IT
- BH0-012 - The Foundation® ITIL (2012 Onwards)
- BH0-013 - Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
- ISEB-ITILF - The Foundation Examination - ITIL®
- ISEB-ITILV3 - ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
- ISEB-PM1 - Foundation Certificate in Project Management
- BH0-010 - BCS Certified Tester Foundation Level 2011 syllabus
- CITP-001 - BCS Chartered IT Professional Breadth of Knowledge Test
- ISEB-BA1 - Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
- ISEB-ITILV3F - ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management
- ISEB-SWT2 - ISTQB-ISEB Certified Tester Foundation Level
- ISEB-SWTINT1 - ISEB Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing
- BH0-009 - ITSM Foundation Certificate in Problem & Incident Management
- BH0-008 - ISEB Foundation Certificate in Green IT
- BH0-007 - ISEB Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing

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